Arrests On The Brooklyn Bridge

News is by now get­ting around that today there were mass ar­rests of Oc­cupy Wall Street pro­test­ers—700 or more—on the Brook­lyn Bridge. As over a thou­sand marchers made their way to­ward the bridge a few min­utes after 3 p.m., they split into two groups. Some fol­lowed mem­bers of the Di­rect Ac­tion Com­mit­tee who led the way up the el­e­vated pedes­trian walk­way in the mid­dle of the bridge. An­other group, how­ever, broke away and took to the Brook­lyn-bound road on the bridge’s south side, even­tu­ally fill­ing the whole road­way so that no traf­fic could get through. The front row of them locked arms and pro­ceeded. At first, po­lice had blocked nei­ther en­trance.

Be­fore the marchers on the road­way reached the first stone tower, and hav­ing been led by a pha­lanx of se­nior po­lice of­fi­cers, they were in­ter­cepted from the other side. (Even The New York Times of­fers ev­i­dence that the po­lice may have pur­posely planned to lure marchers into a trap.) Out came dozens of dark-blue shirted of­fi­cers with plas­tic cuffs—ac­tu­ally, card­board boxes full of them. Some of­fi­cers un­rolled the same type of or­ange nets they had used the pre­vi­ous Sat­ur­day to make nearly 100 ar­rests, while oth­ers lined up op­po­site the pro­test­ers, halted them, and began to ap­pre­hend and cuff them, one by one.

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