Violence Again, At Occupy Wall Street

From Michael Tracey of Mother Jones

Another day at #OccupyWallStreet, another round of violence committed by the NYPD.

On Wednesday afternoon, tens of thousands supporting the nationwide Occupy Wall Street movement participated in a march from Liberty Plaza, the permanent site of the New York City demonstration, to City Hall, and then back to the plaza. Attendance figures were bolstered by a strong showing from organized labor—many members of the AFL-CIO, AFSCME, SEIU 1199, Transportation Workers Union Local 100, and other unions were on hand. (Big Labor has played a significant role as the protests have grown.) Throughout the day, protesters danced to the music of roving marching bands, debated one another, and reveled in the sight of ordinary citizens taking over the entirety of Foley Square, deep in the heart of Lower Manhattan. The daytime events went forward without known incident, but a few hours later, things turned ugly.

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