Don’t Jump The Turnstile

If you jump the NYC subway turnstile or scoot through the emergency exit, think again. The NY State Senate just passed a bill to fine you $500 for trying to save on the $2.25 fare. The current fine is $100.

If the NY State Assembly passes the bill, then it’s the law.

We were thinking, ‘What’s a few people beating the fare? How much can it really cost NYC?’ Get ready to pick your jaw up from the floor, because the MTA estimates that all that turnstile jumping in the NYC subway loses the MTA $31 million every year.

The bill was drafted by Senator Charles Fuschillo (R – Long Island), who also serves as Chairman of the NY State Senate’s Transportation Committee. Fuschillo initiated the increase after the NY Daily News broke the news about a NYC Transit study showing that most regular fare-beaters get caught and fined $100 once every six to 13 weeks. At that rate, it’s cheaper to just pay the $100 fine rather than buy 6 weekly MetroCards.

According to a recent Daily News story by Pete Donohue, the MTA has the authority to increase fines for violating the Rules of Conduct.

Margot Tohn of Park It spends her day coming up with ways to make driving, parking and walking in NYC easier. Check out her musings at

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